INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------- The vLIB Library has been built to be installed with minimal changes needed. The following steps will guide you through the install proceedure: 1) Download the current version of vLIB from 2) Unpack the version of vLIB that you downloaded (eg: into a directory of your choise accessible to your php scripts. 3) Read the LICENCE file. Using vLIB in your applications testifies your agreement with this software licence. 4) If you are installing vLIB then see 4a. If you're upgrading vLIB then see 4b. 4a) Rename the file vlibIni.php-dist to vlibIni.php. Open vlibIni.php and edit the configuration parameters to suit your needs. If you need any help then please refer to the documentation in the /docs/ directory. 4b) As you are upgrading you probably do not want to overwrite the configuration parameters that you have already set in vlibIni.php. So what you need to do is copy each configuration parameter from your current vlibIni.php file into vlibIni.php-dist. It should be straight forward as the parameters should be completely backward compatible and therefore the parameter names should not have changed. *************************************************************************************************** NB: From version 3.0.3, the old ini.php file has been replace with vlibIni.php. This is now a class which which is included once, and not an array which was included every time it was needed. This change was made to increase performance. If you're upgrading to this version, it does not mean an immense change in your installation. You just need to copy all values from your old ini.php file to vlibIni.php. It should be straight forward. *************************************************************************************************** Once you are happy that you have copied all of your original parameters into vlibIni.php-dist you should backup you current vlibIni.php file to say vlibIni.php.bk. All you need to do now is rename the vlibIni.php-dist file to vlibIni.php. **************************************************************************************************** NB: There was a major renaming change in the upgrade from vERSION 2.0.2 to 3.0.0 as the names of all classes are now called vlib* instead of v*, i.e. vTemplate is now vlibTemplate. Therefore you must now update any files which you used with the vTemplate class to use vlibTemplate. If you do not, you will not be able to use the new versions of vLIB. This is the only naming change I can see in the future. It was made because of conflicts with other php classes. **************************************************************************************************** 5) Now have a look in the /examples/ directory. You may need to change these files slightly depending on your configuration. For example if you install vLIB directly into a webserver accessible directory, then you should be able to run these files as they are. Otherwise you may need to copy the files to an appropriate directory and change the include paths to vLIB. However you do it, you should be able to make them work without to much fuss. If not then visit the vLIB homepage at to see if you can find something to help you out. Alternatively you can look at the vLIB forum at NB: Make sure that you read the LICENCE file (step 3).