CHANGELOG ------------ ------------------- * [General] Fixed bug where Error constants threw a notice when re-defining themselves. Kelvin Jones (2004-01-07) * [vlibTemplate] Fixed bug where the loop context vars (i.e. __ROWNUM__) now work with the CASELESS option. Kelvin Jones (2004-02-10) ------------------- * [vlibTemplate] changed template "format" option to call PHP function if not found in vlibTemplate::FORMAT_TAGS array. PHP function must accept 1 argument only. Kelvin Jones (2003-11-24) ------------------- * [vlibTemplate] removed Call time reference from Db functions for Forward Compatibility. Kelvin Jones (2003-11-13) 4.0.2 ------------------- * [vlibTemplate] added option to vlibIni.php for 'ENABLE_SHORTTAGS' this is to toggle between the new functionality of being able to use instead of ...etc. It is off by default for backwards compatibility sake. Kelvin Jones (2003-07-23) * [General] Deprecated the Release notes file as it is no longer useful due as I use the changelog for everything now. It will still be held in CVS for historical purposes but will no longer be distributed. Kelvin Jones (2003-07-23) 4.0.1 ------------------- * [vlibTemplate] added ability to reference a global variable from within tags, i.e. would include the file set by: $tmpl->setVar('header', ...);. Kelvin Jones (2003-07-23) * [vlibTemplate] bugfix when calling ob_start() from _parse() causing output buffering to fail in some configurations. Kelvin Jones (2003-08-06); 4.0.1RC ------------------- * [vlibMimeMail] validateEmail was case-insensitive. changed from ereg to preg_match. Kelvin Jones (2002-12-11) * [vlibTemplateError] Added error message for when a loop name is not specified. Kelvin Jones (2002-12-13) * [vlibTemplate] added a getLoop() function for use with the 3-step-loop process. This returns the loop in an array and removes the internal loop from $this->_currloop. Kelvin Jones (2002-12-13) * [vlibTemplate] fixed bug in addRow() function which caused it to not recognize the last loop set using newLoop() when not specifying a loop name. Kelvin Jones (2002-12-16) * [vlibDate] added Russian language pack. Kelvin Jones (2003-01-02) * [General] Renamed old CHANGELOG to RELEASENOTES.txt and created CHANGELOG.txt for tracking all changes made, big or small. Kelvin Jones (2003-01-02) * [General] Created CONTRIBUTIONS.txt, a guide for how to develop on vLIB. Kelvin Jones (2003-01-02) * [General] Added new class, vlibSearchToSQL. This allows you to convert a boolean search string to SQL. Kelvin Jones (2003-02-13) * [vlibIni] Added config params for vlibSearchToSQL. * [vlibSearchToSQL] Added getStoppedWords() and getShortWords() functions to return the words that were excluded from the search for that particular reason. Kelvin Jones (2003-03-03) * [vlibTemplate] removed the 9th capture from the regex which checked for a new line. This was pretty much useless, and also didn't work in particular versions of php. Kelvin Jones (2003-03-03) * [vlibTemplate] added the ability to omit the TMPL_ bit of the tag, so you can write now. This is completely optional. Kelvin Jones (2003-03-03) * [vlibTemplate] fixed bug that caused a "undefined variable" notice to be thrown when using a TMPL_INCLUDE. Kelvin Jones (2003-03-07) * [vlibTemplateCache] fixed bug pointed out by Andre in the forum, which caused a recache every time in certain circumstances. Kelvin Jones (2003-05-15)